Friday, August 13, 2010

Save ur Koynz!!

Hey guyz!!!!
Today i read on the TTOB that we should start saving our koynz for the AWSOME NEW ITEMS AT THE CONCERT!!!


-chaotic fail

Nanibobo commented on my site

Thanks nanibobo for the comment!!

It means a lot!!!  Hope everyone has an awsome time at the concert!!!

-chaotic fail

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to school concert!!

I just heard that theres gonna be a back to school concert!!!  It's on August 28 at 3pm Pacific Time!!
There's also gonna be new music, and new items!!!

WOW!!  I can't wait!!!  Comment and tell me what u think of this AWSOME new party!!!

-chaotic fail

Mutated POOP!!!

Today i wuz on my brothers account...
And i went to his pod and found mutated POOP!!!

I think it's mutated cuz i only have a blue pet....

My Buddies Blog

Hey guys!!!  It's chaotic fail!!!
I'm gonna give u guys my buddy duder's site!!
Try to visit his site a lot for a ton of AWSOME updates and things about TT!!!
